Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Creative writing for beginners

I recently was asked why I write and responded with, "It’s my soul speaking to me." It got me thinking of all the reasons why.  So with that, in a stream of consciousness I will share so that students and budding writers recognize if these attributes reside within them, they need to take a leap. 

First of all, I need to tell a story. It's an obsession. Each story is a seed inside of me that starts to grow and grow, and I have to deal with it sooner or later. Why a particular story? I don't always know when or where I’ll begin. That will come later. I've discovered that all the stories I've told, all the stories I will ever tell, are connected to me in some way. If I'm talking about a woman during the Victorian era that leaves the safety of her home and comes to the Gold Rush in California, I'm really talking about feminism, about liberation, about the process I've gone through in my own life, escaping from a conservative family and going out into the world.

It’s an intuitive process.  Those times when I don’t have a plan; I'm not looking ahead. I'm looking only at what I'm doing, and then I realize, here I am lost in a forest, in England so I guess I must have been running.

My ideas come from the world. I harvest them but I don't have to conjure them up. All I have to do is take things I've seen – things people have said to me, things I've researched, artifacts from the world – and convert them into sequences of words that people will want to read. It's alchemy, a kind of magic.

Long before I started writing, I enjoyed telling stories and holding the attention of an audience. By the time I was a youngster I was elaborating on legend mixed with fiction and putting it into my own words, telling stories to friends.  I discovered that I could keep other kids on the edge of their seats. And in doing so, I found myself that way.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Historical Fiction Publishers

I’ve been reading and posting my book reviews on the book-lovers site, Goodreads. I’m supposed to read and review 20 books a year; so that the site then learns my tastes and offers suggestions. I probably won’t pay that heed since I don’t like being told what to read and enjoy discovering books on my own. But I do like the race or competition against myself to swallow up one book after another. Thus far, I’ve reviewed 9; except that I cheated and posted 2 that I read last year. Forgive my transgression, but they were sitting in my head and I wanted to share them.

It’s suggested that one share their reviews on their blog, so what that in mind, here’s my latest post.

KeySarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Two parallel story lines start out equally compelling as every other chapter for the first half of Sarah’s Key is about war-torn France and Nazi death camps. At first, I found myself having difficulty putting this book down. The chapters were short, Julia’s mission clear, and Sarah’s storyline was gripping, fast-paced, and terribly tragic.

However, after Sarah’s voice ends, so does the interest for me. Upon first reading, I thought that this book would be more about Sarah and her journey through the Holocaust, focusing on her emotions, development, and grief. Rather, it was more about the life of Julia, the journalist, which I didn’t particularly care about. The modern tale quickly unravels into melodrama.  I was not interested in reading about Julia’s failed marriage and mid-life crisis and it seemed juvenile, contrived and predictable. De Rosnay ends up diluting the historical importance of a fascinating subject with a sloppy and corny romance.

It was more satisfying reading about Sarah’s life the main character of the story and the Vel d’Hiv round-up (interesting lines of investigation begging to be discovered, but left untouched) and I would have liked more on the aftermath of the war and its impact on Sarah and her family.

A simple read that had so much more potential.

View all my reviews


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Creative Writing Examples

In teaching I give creative writing examples, and I refer to books, music, film and television. 

I’ve been watching the HBO series, Girls.  It was a surprise to me, because it didn’t seem like my kind of show, but I have learned to give most HBO shows a shot.  I’m glad I gave this one a whirl, because now I'm interested in tuning in.  

When I first watched the show I thought it was a reflection and study of today’s youth culture. The more I watched the more I saw that some things don’t change. The characters are in their early 20’s—all grown-up, recently out of college and independent, yet naïve in the ways of life and what to expect from it.  Sometimes it makes me happy to witness the adventures of them finding out who they are. The joy in being with friends and planning a party, reminds me of the freshness of being young, when so much is ahead of you. Other times I am sad to watch their trials and tribulations such as when they have unsatisfying or awkward sex, and experience an undercurrent of disillusionment and shattered dreams.  And there’s often humor in desperation and disappointment.  There is no glamour in the show and the dialogue and interactions are simplistic— as an accurate reflection of today’s youth.

But what impressed me about the show are the characters. The writer/creator/actor Lena Dunham is super-talented and has done a marvelous job of crafting characters with inherent conflict at a variety of thematic levels, so there’s always somewhere to take them in the story.

For those unfamiliar with the show, it’s set in Brooklyn. There are four archetype characters:

Idealist- The wacky and intelligent, Hannah Horvath. The protagonist who wants to be a writer and has just been financially cut off from her parents, lost her internship, and is struggling to make ends meet. Comfortable with her Rubenesque body (I admire her for that) mentally she is self-absorbed and prone to irrational thoughts—which is comical.  But despite her smarts Hannah goes for bad boys and uses poor judgment when it comes to men.  

Realist- The up-tight and lovely, Marnie Michaels.  Marnie is Hannah’s best friend. Highly responsible and well put together, Marnie is often dressed like she’s going to a job interview.  She works at an Art Gallery and is in a long-term relationship.  She doesn’t really like either her job or her boyfriend but can’t cut them lose.  Both the job and the boyfriend leave her. She finds new ways to cope and is starting to loosen up as she comes to terms with her new reality.

Bohemian- The free-spirit and artist, Jessa Johansson.  A beautiful Brit and a flake, she hops from man to man, and works as a nanny.  She just married a man she knew for two weeks stumbling through marriage and is trying to find her way in this new and chaotic world, and still is too naïve about it to realize its dangers.

Romantic- The spoiled and sweet, Shoshanna Shapiro. Jessa’s cousin is still a student at NYU and is considered naïve by the other three girls. Her high-pitched voice often goes on tirades explaining everything from her lack of confidence. Her favorite television show is called Baggage, a dating show where contestants have suitcases representing their secrets.  Hers is that she is a virgin.

Analyzing archetypes before you write can be useful skeletons to provide your characters with a solid backbone.   They can work on a thematic level, and an emotional one. They can help you pinpoint and clarify the growth arcs you want, and allow you to show aspects of the road not taken or the price paid if that growth isn't made (or the victories if the growth is embraced).

Archetypes offer a useful blueprint for how a character lives their life.

HBO’s Girls resonates with everyone who remembers their early 20’s. It’s refreshing and funny.  So which one of the girls are you?

Teaching Creative Writing

Fiction is perhaps the purest form of storytelling. With only words and the reader's imagination, a work of fiction can lure the reader into a story that reads true.

In teaching creative writing, I instruct how to support words with craft elements such as character, plot, point of view, description, dialogue, setting, pacing, voice and theme. Although short stories are generally about 7500 words, I ask for 2500 words maximum —to keep it tight, which many find challenging. 

Flash fiction is less than 1,000 words, but they are still stories. That means it moves quickly— characters, plots, and to some extent, settings.

I know it can be done, since I too did it too and began with travel stories.  I love travel writing because it allowed me to traverse the world on paper, journeying everywhere from the cobblestone streets of Europe to the brilliant-white beaches of the Caribbean.  Whether near or far, it requires a sense of adventure, a journalist’s eye, and a storyteller’s flair. 

Here’s an example of an ancient and original 750 word story I recently submitted to an online travel magazine, where I solicited my readers vote.

La Zona Rosa
I want to take advantage of the holidays and take a trip. When Ruth calls, I surprise myself. “Why don’t we explore Mexico City? It’s inexpensive.”

Ruth is Eleanor’s cousin. She is working on a graduate degree in business administration, and as a student, like me she is also on a budget.

I have to admit I love Mexico City. I love the stunning gold angel statue of independence, no doubt the Hapsburgs influence reminding me of Vienna. I love the Palacio de Bellas Artes where I enjoy some of the most magnificent examples of Art Deco—my favorite time period that includes the famous murals by Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros. I love the trees, flowers, public sculptures, and the shady narrow streets of the La Zona Rosa, with its charming boutiques.

As we enter the popular Café Tacuba, with its colonial era atmosphere, I inhale the smell of fine Mexican cuisine emanating from its four-star kitchen.

As guests, we are welcomed into a dining room adorned with brass lamps and dark oil paintings. I look around, two men from across the way smile and wave and order margaritas for us. Tequila goes right to my head and makes me woozy, numbs my senses so I vow to let my drink sit idle. As soon as Ruth nods her head in gratitude, the two men are at our table and I am visibly annoyed.

“You senoritas, are American, no?”
Ruth smiles, “How did you know?”
“We know, even if you are not wearing tennis shoes,” jokes one of them.

They introduce themselves. Miguel is vocal, tall, with a moustache, rather handsome, and looks as if he may have Germanic blood. His sidekick, Juan, also looks somewhat European, although he is shorter, older, and clean-shaven.

“Where are you from?”
Ruth is eager to socialize, “Los Angeles.”
Irritated, I look around the room, to find our waiter.
“Maravilloso. We are filmmakers.”

Just then, our lunch of Chile Relleno arrives, and I try to discourage our new acquaintances. “If you’ll excuse me, I didn’t eat breakfast.”

Sensing my anxiousness, Miguel makes it brief. He reaches into his wallet and comes up with his business card, and hands it to me. “We work at the film studio—Churubusco. Tonight, I give a party at my house in celebration of the New Year. Most of my friends speak English. Come if you are not busy.”

I’m annoyed at the formalities of shaking hands. All I can think of is sampling one of the steaming corn tortillas the waiter just served. Instead, I am forced to return to the ladies room to wash my hands.
Ruth’s priorities differ from mine as she folds the napkin across her lap. “Wasn’t that sweet? Now we’ll get to meet the locals.”

“You can’t be serious.”
“Why not? They’re nice and Miguel obviously is interested in you.”
“Because they’re probably married! We’re in our late 20’s, and by Mexican standards we’re old maids! Do you have any idea what Mexican machismo is about?”

“You’re afraid of men, Linda. Besides, if they were married they wouldn’t be able to invite us to their home.”

“Ruth, don’t be naïve. Wives leave town to visit their families while their husbands scheme and meet other women.”

“Tell you what—let’s go. If we walk up to the house and don’t hear music, we leave instantly. Once inside, if you’re not comfortable we leave after twenty minutes.”
She reaches across the table.
“Okay, but no handshake. I’m not washing again.”

After lunch, we go hear the sounds of mariachis coming from Plaza Garibaldi.

That evening the disco beat comes from Miguel’s house from behind a white-washed wall in a colonia lined with red flowers. We buzz, and the maid comes to meet us. The post-modern house is a cheery shade of blue, and has a fountain in the courtyard. Inside, it is sleek, open, in a sea of blue and white with many windows.  In the living room an array of people schmooze about, all men.

Miguel comes over. “Glad you made it.”
He laughs, when he senses my apprehension. He hands me a drink, waving it in front of me. “Go ahead, Linda, this is a fiesta. What are you afraid of?”

I find no humor in that statement, and dislike my motives being questioned. I lock my arm into Ruth’s and race toward the front door. “Buenas noches” I call out as we take our exit.