I’m a real life drama queen, must be my Moon in Leo. My life thus far has been anything but boring. Unexpected. Surprising. Unconventional. Avant-garde. Alternate. Mysterious. Shocking. Turbulent.
I’ve experienced so many bizarre things, spectacular happenings, well, let’s just say that I could keep you entertained for quite a while with my true life stories and you would be excused for thinking that I was making them up.
This is no mean feat for somebody with a start to life as ordinary and conservative as my own. It’s not as if I was born the child of revolutionaries or something. I could have been Beaver Cleaver’s sister.
My paternal grandmother was a bit of a character, a redhead, and led an unconventional life and a passionate one. Scandalous for her day. Perhaps there is a genetic component.
But some people seem to have such straight forward lives, don’t they? Consistent and secure and stable. Ordinary. Unremarkable. Predictable. Constant. One long term boyfriend or girlfriend becomes a life long husband or wife. One or two careers. One address for decades. A safe formula put in place early on and set to repeat yearly like clockwork for the rest of their lives.
That’s what life is like for some folks.
And then there are people like the mistress of the blog.
It seems to me that I’ve been given the perfect writer’s life. A field of rich life experiences and lessons from an early age upon which to draw. A cast of real life characters to excite Dickens. Real life plots, twists and situations reminiscent of a psychological thriller. But most valuable of all for the writer, a heart that shattered into a thousand pieces long ago.
Change, especially drastic change is very uncomfortable for many people, but change can be invigorating and a blessing.
Several times in my life I have completely reinvented myself. I’m not talking about a new hairstyle or makeover. Nor am I implying a modification, a slight reinvention, I mean a complete overhaul. Everything all at once. New job, new career on several occasions, new home, new start, new name. Bang. Overnight. Whole new life.
In each instance, the universe has booted me onto the next path and after the crescendo or should I say explosion, the pieces have fallen in a new pattern bringing a fresh start with many things to discover and nothing of the past left to take along except memories unable to be erased.
The image which comes to mind would be that of tarot’s The Tower card, the tower struck by a bolt of lightning, governed by fiery Mars, where life forces tumultuous upheaval, often with considerable loss and discomfort to clear out what no longer serves in order for change to occur.
This life has been a fascinating excursion thus far and it doesn’t look like it will settle any time soon. I’m looking forward to the ride.
It's like I always say. Life is a series of book chapters. Some characters or situations never make the segue from one chapter to the next, while others weave in and out along the way.
ReplyDeleteEcho between us certainly sums up our lives.
ReplyDeleteMy changes in life and direction are more more for discussion over a bottle of good red wine than to to catalogue in a comment.
Just enjoy the ride. Life is a lot like a movie theater. You buy a ticket for one movie, then slip into other ones showing at the same time. If you like it, you stay for a while and enjoy it. If you don't, then you slip into another showing. Sometimes they're dramas, sometimes comedies, perhaps a mystery, just keep moving until it feels right. You never know where you'll end your movies until the final scene.
ReplyDeleteI think Forrest Gump said it best. "life is like a box of chocolates.