Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is Childhood?

Many of my students claim that when they were children they aspired to write but got sidetracked along the way with dalliances which were enjoyable but ultimately distracted them.

I point out that our public education system does not encourage creativity, and unless we had the privilege of going to a Montessori school or private school where there was a mission to ignite passion and inspire self-motivation, a child’s dreams will vanish from lack of support.

So what is childhood? Our early childhood psychological development is a time of endless possibilities, wistfulness, and the least tangible, but the most powerful, influence in a person’s life.

As adults, my students have gotten serious about writing and are taking a class and fall in love with it.  They tell me, it feels natural, fulfilling and like something they are meant to do. The creative process is magical. Only thing is— they write in class and soon stop afterwards.

One reason is the lack of support.  I understand it’s a challenge to keep writing when no one shows interest or you join a writer’s group and you get strung along for awhile (when others ask you to write more so they come to know your voice) and you encounter criticism and eventually feel rejected for one reason or another.  Others may claim they don’t think you’ll have an audience for your book. That it’s been done before.

And each rejection feels like a slap in the face and you go through a momentary dark phase where you think that your dreams have come to an end.

But I ask you—should you place your power in the hands of other people? Isn’t that what childhood is about? When there aren’t many alternatives.

Why let others determine your fate? Whose life is it, after all? Take control!  

Most readers are able to look past the imperfections and embrace the heart of a story —the one you long to convey— provided that the writing is good and has passion.

If you are faced with rejection in your writing life it’s natural to feel the initial bruise. Go ahead, you can temporarily mope.  But never let anyone else hold the power to your life. If you believe you can do something, then you can do it. And if you have drive, a positive attitude and come from a place of love and sharing, you will succeed.

How has your childhood shaped you? And what is your experience with rejection?

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