Sunday, January 8, 2012


Almost a week has lapsed and I hear the seeds sprouting. Little grumbles at first, then a full complaint. Write something! How am I convinced of this proclivity? I keep a journal. Faithfully, each day I record the happenings of the night before and the previous day. Once entered, pen down, I re-read events of a year ago.

Then it builds. As the pages turn throughout the year, I witness my own mental packing up. Then, sure enough, after the first itch, comes the inevitable leave-taking. I am perusing online sales, taking the dog out for a walk, stowing my yoga mat away,  emptying the gym bag, and cleaning out closets.

You might think this sequence of orderly events would lower my creativity, make me angry at myself for putting my house and body in order and for making excuses.  Au contraire. I'm proud that I know when I’m slacking. Certainly, others may scold my example of imperfection. But I counter and praise my willingness to coming closer at jumping in.

As I might expect, eyes may roll as I fashion myself a hero rather than a gadfly. No matter. As long as I can convince myself that each new experience will bring me something new from which to gather material. And so, life goes on. But for now, you'll have to excuse me. PBS Masterpiece Theatre ( awaits with the much anticipated season 2 of Downton Abbey.

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