Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Sweet Lord

Those who read my blog regularly know that my posts aim to uplift and inspire but in the light of what happened this week for me to discuss any of my regular topics seems frivolous. I have a sensitive heart and those like me feel the failures of the world.

The year 2013 will go down in history as a year of global unrest. I do not see the violence of our era abating any time soon. We have allowed a global elite to come into being that has decided the existence of the middle class is a mistake. And a class struggle persists as our nation makes money off of firing people, foreclosing on their homes, and even off of their deaths. In the meantime, the country’s rich get richer and escape from not paying taxes.  

Countries that once imitated our best behaviors now imitate our worst.  

I was talking to an elderly lady the day I heard about the Boston bombs, killing and injuring many people while the massacres in Syria continue without the intervention of the United Nations. I was transfixed for a moment in time, as a girl in the fourth grade (coincidentally that’s when I first learned about Boston .  During an afternoon recess, I took a grievance that I had with another kid to a yard supervisor who responded with, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Her philosophical message is one I think others need to hear today.     

This past Monday once at home, turning on my television set, I was alarmed by the massive amount of combat and swat teams tearing into Boston, prepared to fight a war. The same loathsome images of violence I see on television shows and immediately turn-off, because the excessive force and stand-offs, is a reminder of not seeing the bigger issues.  It’s hideous to create what seems to me a permanent war. America has become a people asleep on top of something we both know and don’t know as an enormous weapon aimed at the whole world, including every one of us.

What I see happening underlining this chaos is a coordination of the established powers to keep things at the status quo while the incoming energies of the new and far more humanitarian archetypes try to force their way into the collective consciousness. Some issues have made it—gay marriage for example, which is really a statement about human equality and true social justice.

But the intense mundane struggles between the political, religious, and economic forces of polarity and exclusivity versus the unfolding paradigm of political and economic inclusivity backed by a secular “religion” of right human relations, take their toll in lives and the destruction of human and animal habitats. This battling of paradigms manifest in the form of terrorism, fierce economic competitiveness, and greed and so… violence in all forms, continue. 

My hope is what I and other individuals and groups are actively working for—a time when the soul of man descends, expanding into daily life and expressing as the consciousness of unity and wholeness as one human race lives together on planet earth. This may not happen and probably won’t happen in my lifetime.  But each of us still carries a responsibility to continue planting the seeds and make a lighted path for the children of tomorrow.

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