Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Clothes Make the Man

A weather pattern typical of southern California that results in overcast skies formed by the marine layer is June gloom. This condition left me with a perplexing question; what do I wear? I would change multiple times to adjust to the temperature rising. Now in Las Vegas, I see the same pattern emerging and experience the same dilemma–which brings me to my question–does anyone care about looking nice?

Seems a pity that living in what some call the “entertainment capital” that most folks walk around like they rolled out of bed. Last night, on our wedding anniversary we went to see Jersey Boys ( It seemed that everybody was in flip-flops, shorts, and t-shirts; beach frolicking attire. An odd choice given that it was an evening show where you smack down anywhere between 101-161 dollars for a front Orchestra seat–and that’s the discounted price.

I use to think it was a local blunder being under-dressed, a combination of desert heat and lack of aesthetic stemming from roots in the Wild West. I’ve since changed my mind. Last year in Spain I was amazed at how European style had changed since the days when I lived there. In fact, I wasn’t surprised at the recent violence in Spain since I witnessed little if any contrast between Europe and the U.S.

On the fashion front; Europeans went from mink to sneakers. Back when, they faulted Americans for being loud and for wearing jeans. They can’t blow the fashion police whistle for American poor taste; since they have embraced dingy and become a portrait of sloppiness. I think it’s why Kate Middleton’s wardrobe is such a big deal– putting on real clothes makes headline news.

People enjoy doing what everyone else is doing– it’s effortless and has made grunge popular. Just as the recession has everyone talking about their woes and lack, it becomes a cycle–folks claim poverty, and in turn, think, act and look poor– which brings to mind the quote by Persian poet Hafiz- “The words you speak become the house you live in.”

Mind you, I enjoy comfort, and spend most of my mornings in P.J.’s but once I get dressed, as a woman, I think it’s fun to think of myself as a canvas and all that I can create- a mood of sorts. And I don’t find any redeeming quality in looking poor, I like looking rich. But I am hopelessly old-school, proper, and fashion addicted.

1 comment:

  1. Sat here in my most comfortable shorts and oldest holey polo shirt I can understand your feelings.
    I'm not sure Vegas is the right town to judge dress by. Obviously there are celebrities who come to Vegas who dress accordingly. But for the general tourist and the casino gamblers forget the time of day.
    I must admit it is part of the event to get dressed up and for a women to think about her dress for maybe days before. To sit in a top restaurant dressed to kill or in the theatre foyer comparing with the other dresses.
    Probably the fault here in Vegas is the theatre or showroom is part of the casino. Where in New York or London you have the grand entrance of a theatre.
    I'm not sure where Las Vegas is the "Entertainment capital" off.
    I thoroughly enjoyed "Jersey Boys" some months back.
