Thursday, July 22, 2010

Channeling Laura Petrie

Ironic that my professional experience includes a work period in television production since tube viewing for the most part has never been a priority in my life, with the exception of my childhood, where like many kids I would sit cross-legged on the rug in front of the screen and watch for hours. I preferred watching old classics made before my time; from the Golden Age of Hollywood, which included a combination of drama, comedy and mystery such as Shirley Temple, Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, Blondie, the Kettles, Henry Aldrich, The Little Rascals, the Three Stooges and I Love Lucy.

I went years without watching television when I lived abroad and later when I did not own a television set never did I feel I was missing out, then one day I had a revelation; writing is solitary and since I could go all day without moving a muscle in my mouth, it also meant I didn't laugh, a little television was a dose of laughter, so I used it to my advantage. That's about the time reality shows came on the scene, I thought they were a fad; how could anybody watch something repetitive, sensationalized, demeaning, unscripted and without professional actors?

As a selective viewer, I'm a fan of PBS, such as This Old House, History Detectives and think American Experience is pretty cool, and has exceptional merit as a series.  I’m currently an avid viewer of The Good Wife, and The Mentalist.

I've been disappointed when shows I've made an effort to watch weekly have been canceled such as Pushing Daisies, that blended fantasy, surrealism with aesthetic. It's wonderful narration gave the show an additional layer; intelligence, in particular for a network show. I also loved the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency shot in Botswana, taken from a novel, and adapted for television, its finest attributes were its brilliant acting and music. A current favorite also on HBO, is AMC's Mad Men, it returns this Sunday with season four: it shines blending historical authenticity and visual style, depicting the changing and provocative American social mores of 1960's, very unique, indeed.

I can't wait to see how the big wigs from Sterling Cooper after learning their agency was being sold to a rival agency pooled their talents together and how they will fare at their own agency. Will they continue to drink gin and tonics on the job? Have cigarettes for breakfast? Will their still be the cool cats and the squares? Will Betty marry Henry?

For all of these answers and more, I'm staying tuned, garbed in slim pants, ballet flats, a fitted shirt, accessorized with a gold charm bracelet and of course I'll be color-coordinated.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Traces of Celestial Influence

Every living being has a built-in clock and yet no two people even if born at the same moment, in the same place, will react the same way to their life experiences. Their genetic and social conditions will be different, and this will influence their responses. Still, research has shown that some people or those with almost identical birth times and locations do have similar experiences during their lives, it's called astrology.

I discovered astrology the month after my thirteenth birthday; I was about to approach an empty bus stop bench and spotted a colorful paperback. Written by renowned astrologer Sydney Omarr, it's cover had a drawing of a female figure holding scales with one hand and the other extended up in the clouds. The title read, Astrological Revelations About You, Libra, Sept. 23- October 22. I couldn't believe it! I looked around and since no one was in sight I began my read. Glancing the table of contents was a chapter “For the Libra teenager”. It was intended for me and I was enthralled with the book.  From that day forward, I embarked on a diligent three year quest teaching myself the mechanics of the science. I combined it with art; drawing charts from scratch that included all the planetary alignments and configurations. Having an aversion to math, I had no idea I was so adept at geometry! It was unfortunate that I was not placed in an alternative free-thinking school where non-traditional modes of education were the norm, I would have excelled at math by using my creativity. But that's another story.

I never questioned astrology's validity, in my mind to do so was simplistic, I simply acknowledged the idea that there exits a relationship between the positions of the celestial bodies and human experience, and that we can systematically determine this relationship. The Ancients used it as a tool to plant, to harvest, to predict the ocean's tides, and used it as an indicator for auspicious dates.

A common misconception is to confuse astronomy with astrology. Astronomy is the scientific study of the universe. Astrology is the divination of the stars. An astrologer casts horoscopes to predict earthly events, like the fates of nations and of individuals.

There is no sorcery involved. In our modern world, astrology has many faces. Newspaper astrological forecasts is what I was once heard on the radio referred to as “kindergarten astrology.” Serious astrology tabulates with exact detail, as if frozen in space, a moment in time with respect to the earth and offers an accurate reading of potential.

I have been asked to read for many people throughout the years and have done so for some without their knowledge. Sounds cocky but it explains things that we cannot logically ascertain. Take for example what's happening with our president. At the moment, Uranus is in Aries making an exact opposition to Saturn in Libra. Uranus is a planet of revolution and disruptive and eccentric ideas. Aries is the sign of independence, originality, impulse, the unconventional, and rebellion. Combine these two and you get pioneering ideas and a disruptive impulse to act one's own way; a thoughtless disregard for past values. Just look at what's happening with the Banks, lenders, the mortgage industry and the mass public who are walking away from their homes. Another example would be the Governor of Arizona and the Governor of California, both of them think they can call their own shots sidestepping the chain of command. Just as the U.S. Department of Justice filed suit to halt the Arizona immigration law, as a conflict with the federal law, I expect that the state workers of California aren't going to allow their wages to be cut to the bone. At the very least the state Controller is putting up a fight to prevent the violation of federal labor laws. I think this will break in about another month. When it goes to the supreme court there will be a series of challenges for those who stubbornly refuse to admit that they were wrong, and to step aside as a new generation becomes the new establishment.

Now for Saturn in Libra. Saturn is the planet that teaches us through harsh confrontation with reality and through limiting our circumstances– what we must change in ourselves before we realize our ambitions. As a taskmaster Saturn often delays plans. Libra is a sign whose emphasis is close partnerships and of teamwork, of being responsible to organize others, the law, and enemies. Together these indicate high esteem or standing in the community, the courts, acting honorably or total disgrace, and picking holes in partners when relationships turn faulty.

These two celestial bodies have been “at it” since the last presidential election. Together they brought in a new government headed by a new type of leader. You could say that Barack Obama's election personified this opposition. The last time Uranus and Saturn opposed, Dr. Martin Luther King was fighting for human rights and young men were burning their draft cards.

Until a few weeks ago, both President Obama and the Governor of Florida believed extending oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico wasn't such a bad idea. After all, drilling has been going on for decades in the gulf and there had rarely been a problem.

There are some who expect Obama to turn into a lunatic over the spill, as if ranting and raving will stop the leak, frothing and foaming will clean the wetlands and sputtering with anger will bring back the fishing industry. But the president has not been emotional enough to deal with the crisis, so the criticism goes on. Remember what I said about picking holes?

Astrology explains Obama's meteoric rise, how else could an African-American senator with a name like his become president during a war with Islamic terrorists?

Politics is a tough and sometimes dirty business and dealing with disturbances is what this presidency is all about, almost like a crisis manager. So the battle continues; between the traditional and conservative social outlooks and the evolution of new social paradigms.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chime In

I often think I was born at the wrong time; the world I knew when I was growing -up is vastly different than today. I don't like to dwell on the idea that civilization is in decline. Instead, I try to follow German philosopher Schiller's advice that you must embrace your own times, yet not let them consume you. Reading about previous eras is important for thinking men and women; wallowing in nostalgia for the past is destructive to a life lived. But the challenging contrasts between former and current communication modes and what I find to be comfortable versus impersonal cross my mind as I witness the ever-changing shift.

Every-time I get an email versus what I believe should be a telephone call; such as announcing a death, I wonder where is the sensitivity? Email can be salty and misconstrued. Am I the only relic who appreciates listening to the sounds, pauses, laughter or sorrowful tone of the human voice? As cold as email can be, I prefer it over a text, where you can have a genuine salutation, a personal message and a friendly close.

By now you've probably guessed that I'm not fond of texting. Having won a spelling bee in Mr. Marshall's class against my fellow classmates and the other competing sixth grade class I felt like a champ, his encouragement and my victory solidified the idea that I wanted to write. Writing choppy little abbreviated sentences makes me inclined to believe that if spelling folds it's a matter of time before literacy vanishes.

During my teenage years, I distinctly recall my Mother begging, pleading and ultimately commanding me to get off the phone. Of course back then we only had land lines, there were no cell phones and no Internet. The telephone and hand written letters and maybe smoke signals were about the only way to communicate. Maybe I got tapped out on talking so much because now when I see others on their cell in social circles, in a public restroom or even at the dinner table; I keep wondering what could be so important?

When I'm asked about social media, I cringe, because I dislike superficial empty blurbs. To me, a blog is a creative thoughtful medium where one can convey more meaningful meditations. I've taught myself how to do it to maximize results so that I am currently teaching my second class of bloggers.

I am a reflection of a dinosaur, getting my start in newspapers, I have an affinity with them. They gave me a global perspective on issues and many of today's online sites don't have the same level of serious or professional content.

Books make me feel the greatest sense of loss, I loved carting around an injection of intellectual stimulation in the printed form. I know that a new e-reader will be many times more efficient, giving me instant access to books that pique my fancy, letting me sample chapters before I decide to buy, giving me dictionary and encyclopedia access to words or passages I come across, even read back to me when I am too tired to exert my eyes. But will it give me companionship with the masters, where by sitting quietly and touching those old tomes, I would connect with the spirits of the great writers who contributed so much to the literary canon, and who inspired me to follow my life path?

I wonder am I in the dark ages? I've been able to handle the new methods of communication in small doses. Who knows how communication tools and practices will evolve in the coming years. But evolve they will, and one thing is certain, adapt or you won’t survive.