Monday, February 4, 2013

Meeting for the first time

I should preface this by saying, I love getting pedicures and manicures.  I purr in the chair when it’s time for lotion.  It never last long enough. However, I rarely get them professionally because they make me nervous since they are often breeding grounds for germs. Anyone who has ever seen a manicurist reuse her tools or claim they’ve already been sterilized when they look used will understand my anxiety. But last week after weed pulling and gardening, my nails looked like I had clawed my way out of a well and with a public function coming up I thought I should look presentable.  First came the pedicure and as I took my seat at the nail salon, looking out the window, I saw a woman struck by a car.   

It's a very busy parking lot. I jumped to my feet, splashed water everywhere but before I could do anything, she was surrounded by people and I thought the most helpful thing I could do was to call the police. Which I did. They said they would be right there, and they were, in probably less than five minutes. 

This caused the manicurist to get very upset because her son was hit by a car and no one showed up for an hour. She’s Taiwanese and lives in Summerlin.  So I felt sad at what she was saying and listened to her, and it was a discouraging story, and twenty minutes went by and then the salon door opened and a woman walked through.

She wore the same colorful tee as the woman who had been hit by a car.  All the commotion outside had died down.  She looked okay,  and calmly said, “I’ve just been hit by a car. Can I get a manicure?”

With one service complete and one to go, I got out of there as fast as I could, convinced if I stayed longer a flying saucer would land. 
I wanted to come right home and tell my dear friend, but she was at work, and couldn’t be reached. Later when I told my husband, he said, “You’re sensitive, it’s why you should have stayed out of it.” I know some people can do just that, however I can’t, I’ll stick my neck out and take the consequences. 

So I thought, I’ll write a blog about it, even if my readers think it’s one of my fictionalized stories.

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