Friday, January 14, 2011

Stop the Madness

Sarah Palin in my opinion has a few missing screws. In her attempt to repudiate charges that her brand of inflammatory rhetoric had anything to do with the tragic shootings last weekend in Tucson, she decided to employ her strongest example of inflammatory rhetoric. In the seven-minute video she posted Wednesday on her Facebook page, Palin accused journalists and pundits of manufacturing a “blood libel” against her.

It makes me uncomfortable when she speaks with total disdain or horror. While I vehemently disagree with her political views, I watched a dose of her reality show, where she was in a gun shop, 
speaking about the crown and glory that Alaska is, delving in and showing us how the simple life is what being an American is all about. It certainly beats her frothing at the mouth over the Evil Left! That said, I’ve found nearly ever action of hers since the election intensely self-serving, (like having a reality show) mean-spirited, and purposely designed to whip up negative mass hysteria. Forget politics—this woman should be a cult leader! Can anyone name one truly positive thing she’s done to help this country since she catapulted onto the national stage in 2008?

I don’t blame Palin for the actions of Jared Lee Loughner last weekend in Arizona, she is clearly not responsible in any way for the shootings. Still, I believe the conversation with the extreme venom employed by Palin and her cronies (yes, I realize people on the left are guilty of this, too!) and the violent metaphors she uses, for example, depicting Gabrielle Giffords in the cross-hairs on a now infamous map of vulnerable Democrats and what effect such things have in our country is a valid discussion that we need to have. But instead of acknowledging any desire for cooler tempers, working together with others even if we disagree with them, or the benefits of basic civility, Palin goes on the attack yet again with her ridiculous and offensive use of the loaded “blood libel.” How she seems to relish her role as National Provocateur!


  1. First I disagree with you that Sarah Palin had nothing to do with Jared Lee's action.
    Anyone who supports the ridiculous right to bear arms according to the American constitutional has to take some blame.
    I commented in the New York Times yesterday on this point.
    Now to Sarah Palin. I think she is the most dangerous politician since a certain Adolph Hitler. Listen to her alongside an old film of Hitler's rantings. It's scary that she has so much support here in America.
    Being English I have no real political leanings in the USA. In the UK I lean more to the right wing of English politics, that are becoming more socialistic.

  2. Have you read "Hitler, a Study in Tyranny", by Allan Bullock. An excellent account of how Hitler came to power in Germany after the first world war.

  3. Linda,

    As you know, I am right of center, and for one week a couple of years ago, I actually saw her as a shining light of hope. Some of my friends agreed. No one I know does anymore, although the women I know gave up on her long before the men. Unfortunately, I think, she shot herself in the foot, and along with it, any chance of winning a political nomination.

