Friday, October 12, 2012

Won't defeat me

Thunder and lightning struck yesterday in Las Vegas. I was at Vegas PBS, volunteering my time for the Senatorial debate between Republican Sen. Dean Heller and his Democratic rival, U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley.

Although most would call it a tie, I don’t think it’s important that a winner be named.  I found that one stumbled and failed to make a point, but was adept at personal attacks, while the other seemed composed and respectful but in my opinion fosters racial inequality and wouldn’t answer questions specifically.  

Ironically when the issue subject of energy came up, we experienced a blackout. The thunderstorm caused the power to go out.

When moderator Mitch Fox asked both candidates to name a Supreme Court justice they admired and what justice should have never been approved, Berkley’s answer was polished and Heller fumbled.

I think two things rang loud for me, and that is the United States gives twenty-four billion dollars in foreign aid. Two of it goes to Egypt, a country, like Libya that murders, attacks and boasts about hating Americans. I think we should halt foreign aid and sever the ties that keep dependency going.  It's worth pointing out that as millions of Americans suffer under a weak economy, our government continues to send money we don't have.  Big Mama U.S.A. ought to let her whining babies cry. And for that matter, cut everyone loose. Impose a five year plan where we keep that money on domestic soil and invest it on ourselves and let everyone work out their own problems, democracy or not.  Maybe then we can get back to having a budget again.

I know some of my readers are going to point out that Israel is in a precarious position, surrounded by radical bullies. There are plenty of organizations and rich Americans that support Israel and they have big brothers that will help them out—they’ll be okay.

The other issue that stood out is while I strongly believe we need immigration reform, I can’t get over how some politicians are stupid enough to use the term, “those people.” Have they been so stripped of their identity that they don’t know they too came from somewhere else? 

History Lesson 101- there is no such thing as a real American— with the exception of the Native American people, for five centuries, we have been a melting pot of cultures and our ancestors came from different countries.  We equate being American with citizenship, not ethnicity or nationality. It’s why we have a responsibility to cast our ballots.   

I’m glad to have been in the audience because it has influenced my vote.  What about your reactions to the Vice-Presidential debate?  I hope to see you at the polls.

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