Friday, March 8, 2013

Tortured souls

On an early morning magazine show I just saw women wearing stilettos to work out in. My first thought was —how can anyone advocate such stupidity, are these women out of their minds?

I’ve often said that civilization reached its peak with the baby boomers and now it’s on the decline. I see so many infractions that revert to an ignorant past—that I wonder why are we regressing? For centuries women have endured torture for the sake of beauty, but in today’s world I see poor judgment practiced in these two areas. 
High heels alter your natural posture as the majority of your body weight falls on the ball of your foot – which can lead to back problems. Trust me, I love heels and have a closet full of them but I make sure that I can walk in them comfortably and that they made from all leather. Frequent wearing of high heels – shortens the calf muscles and the Achilles tendon, which makes walking with flat shoes extremely painful.  Another downside to wearing heels is a condition called visceroptosis.   This happens when the abdominal contents spill forward due to the forward tilting of the pelvis, giving you that pouch which many often mistake as a fat belly.   When visceroptosis happens, the internal organs are compressed. When the center of your body is pushed forward as a result of wearing high heels, your spine tends to bend backward to compensate.

No matter where you live, it gets cold many nights in winter.  That’s why in winter we wear coats and sweaters. It’s miserable to go out at night without a coat.  So I am astonished to see some women out at night sans coats. These women seem to be wearing heels and little dresses with drink in hand.  I understand the desire to dress up, but there are coat racks in places for a reason.  And, I see women shivering with their arms wrapped around themselves.

I know the rationale — it doesn’t matter if you're drunk, which makes no sense at all and actually is a very unhealthy mindset. Why would you risk a cold, flu or worse yet pneumonia just because you don’t want to cover-up?  Is getting drunk any way to facilitate an outfit?  That is sheer madness.

Ladies, what do you think?  I’m open to your comments.

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