Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All the Beautiful and New

The last week cats have been surfacing in my life which took me into a tailspin about having one of my own. My kitty was given to me when I was nine years old. I liked cats, but the little creature that I quickly named Tiny Mimi, being eight weeks old and Siamese, had all the remarkable traits of that breed, inspiring affection and admiration at once. Within a few days, she quickly developed thoroughly into an engaging personality in our household. She was my ideal companion. I bought her a collar with a bell and blue gems to match her piercing blue eyes. I doted on her; drew pictures of her, groomed her, coddled her, played with her, placed in her my Schwinn bicycle basket for rides, fed her my favorite (tuna-fish and ice cream), slept with her, photographed her beauty; laughed at her mischief, and spoke softly to her when I wanted her love and attention. Being a clever Gemini kitty, she spoke back. And I being her devoted mother, listened to all of her meows. 

Photographs of her are inserted in my mothers' photo albums, perhaps I'll post them sometime. Today I discovered Hollywood film stars also had a fondness for Siamese. I completely understand. How could they not? Siamese are as loving as dogs, are intelligent, sociable, quick, adaptable, athletic, and they gravitate toward people, not on occasion as other cats do, this fine fabulous feline pedigree does because they are truly the royals of the cat kingdom. 


  1. tender and touching story

  2. How can a kitty story not be warm, but finding out about the stars and their siamese, now that was clever, Linda!

  3. I have a strange relationship with cats. I feel I don't like the almost pathological killers. To catch a small bird or a mouse and torment it until it dies. Unfortunately this is there instinct But cats, they like me.
    I've never been fussy about what breed of cat I would look after. Like people I'll take them as they come.
    When in Oman I had a cat that was next to wild, unless it was with me. She had two small litters, one litter I managed to find homes for. One of them I wanted to keep "Tom cat", but one small girl fell in love with him, so he had to go.I found out later the cat became closer to her mother than the little girl.
    Except for one all of the second litter were brutally killed by a rather big ugly battered tom cat.
    I managed to save one kitten, who not surprisingly was very nervous so I named her "Scardy cat" the mothers name was "mummy cat", very original with the my naming, they would come to those names when I called. Sadly Mummy cat disappeared, probably to curl up and die. Local cats had short lives in Oman.
    Scardy cat would appear from anywhere and greet me when I came home.
    Unlike dogs cats are never subservient to you they have characters completely of their own.

  4. I forgot to say is that John Lennon in the top picture/ The third photo reminds me of my "Creative Writer" teacher.

  5. I have two cats and two dogs. Always a dog person until recently, when my wife of seven years introduced me to cats. Can't take them with me hiking like I can with my dogs, but they still bring comfort at home, although completely different temperaments from each other. Never had a Siamese though. I've always wondered what they were like. Thanks Linda.
